Current punctuation rules indicate that one should not capitalize pronouns referring to diety.
Marva Dawn said something so profound about this that I wanted to pass it along:
"As I have pondered the objections of feminists to masculine pronouns for God (because they "oppress women"), I have become convinced that their arguments are given more weight since we stopped capitalizing those pronouns and thereby lost the mystery of God's transcendence that can also be personal. Therefore, I have returned to capitalizing the pronouns to enphasize that they are meant to signify not gender, but surprising relational intimacy. Though I grew up in a somewhat patriarchal denomination, still I have always recognized the words He, Him, His and Himself not to signify God's maleness, but to carry a sense of the ineffable, the secret yet revealed wonder of God's immanence. For further discussion see, "He, His, Him, Himself" in part one of my book Talking the Walk: Letting Christian Language Live Again (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, 2005."
I found this in her book My Soul Waits: Solace for the Lonely in the Psalms. She is an amazing woman who has known rejection, loss, cancer, and loads of other trials, and found God in the dark places.