Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25 The Chaos of Moral Authority

Judges 21:25 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.

Well, that worked out well for them! You do know that I am saying that facetiously? Israel rode a roller coaster, didn't they? They did get their way; kings were installed, and it seemed like the nation had more downs than ups, as they followed the men who led them.

But it never works out well for anyone does it, doing over time just exactly what we, by ourselves without counsel or parameters, would do?

I just learned that physicians and dentists, two of the wealthier professions, also have the highest suicide rates. Right now, the news is full of stories about various Hollywood stars and politicians who have lived according to their own will regardless of the larger community moral code. These people are not doing well, headed to prison or rehab, drummed out of office, regardless of their money, fame or power. Things have not ended well for these people who did as they saw fit apart from God. And our culture holds those elements as most valuable: money, fame, power, the right to do as one sees fit.

It appears that we continue to be a nation of slow learners. We can look back over thousands of years and see what happens when people make their own laws, defining right and wrong as it pleases them....and review civilization after civilization that has fallen.

And here we are with the solution at hand. God says Love me and Love others. That's what it boils down to; in fact, He says all the commandments and laws hang on these's all about love.

So maybe we need to rehearse that truth - at least six times today, and perhaps every day. Research tells us that we need to rehearse something six times to move it from our short to long term memory...So, if we really want a life of joy, of peace, of love, we need to follow God's prescription, recognizing that any deviation for his plan will ultimately lead to the same destruction Israel experienced.

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