I Samuel 16:7 ...The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.
I Samuel 18:9 And from that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David.
In reference to I Samuel 16:7, this is in the context of God speaking to Samuel about his choice of the man who will be king. Jesse passes all of his sons before Samuel, and Samuel finally selects the youngest, a shepherd - a boy to anoint as the future king.
It made me think of how many times I have seen young people with great talent or an amazing testimony selected to be put up front, to be somehow honored for what they can do or their story - their outward appearance. Unfortunately, those who elevated these young people thought neither of the inward heart nor what was good for that young person. And the young person crashed and burned.
Too often, we are drawn to those beautiful or flashy individuals rather than taking time to scrape the surface and search out their heart.
Before I leave this topic, I must talk about the reality that God sees our heart, and the grief that could cause Him. I wonder how much of our outward performances are for the recognition of others. I wonder how much we are motivated by love for one another - that motivation that shows up in the heart where God can see it, and how much of our fine works end up as ashes...I Corinthians 13.
Then I think about the second verse quoted here...the one about jealousy. Our author here references the reality that jealousy rises out of our own insecurity, our heart, you might say. When our heart is right with God, sharing God's values, there is no place for jealousy or envy. We are filled with contentment and joy.
Jealousy is a sign that our perspective is skewed - we are valuing what others have over what God in His infinite love has entrusted to us. He knows what we need, what will bring us true joy and contentment. He knows also that when we think something else or someone else is required to make us happy, we do not understand how temporary that happiness is. Our selfishness, that "sin which dwells in our flesh" will quickly see one more thing or person we need to be truly happy, and the cycle spirals on.
Jealousy is a sign that all is not well in our heart, that appearances are deceiving.
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