For many years I have taught about the Lord's Prayer, and it came to mind as I read this verse. Both writers (inspired by God) emphasize the importance of acknowledging our relationship with God early on. For years I began every school day reciting this prayer. Yes, that used to be the pattern of a public school day: the Pledge to the American flag and the recitation of Lord's prayer. Later, as part of a church body, I had corporately prayed the Lord's prayer, all without really looking at it.
Notice that both prayers begin with acknowledging the gap between our ability and God's ability. I do not think we are told to pray the Lord's prayer as it is written to boost God's self-esteem or to show Him that we know what a big shot He is. I think it was written this way for us, to remind us of the great God and power that we have access to.
This Holy God who made all things and who controls all things cares about our welfare. Not only do we matter to Him, but in a way that no one else is, He is able to keep us from and through temptation. Apart from Him, we are at the mercy of our circumstances. Too often we live that way, at the mercy of our circumstances, not even remembering Who it is that loves us and desires our good and not evil. We forget that He is able....able to do all things, and that His ability to do is tempered by His holiness and His righteousness and His love for us.
Consider then the peace that is available to us when we look into His face, just the same peace a small frightened child experiences when she looks into the eyes of her loving father. Daddy will take care of us. So our Abba Father will take care of us, in the best of all ways.
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