I John 4: 7-8 Beloved , let us love one another, for love is from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
I am working my way, very slowly, through One Conversation at a Time by D. Michael Henderson, and something I read recently resonates with these words from First John: However, if we really love them, we will lay down the most precious commodities of our life for their spiritual welfare: our time, our resources, and our convenience. (21)
One issue is defining or illustrating love. A few years ago I told someone to stop telling people that she loved them and start just showing it. It was amazing the difference this little change made in her relationships. The focus was no longer on telling people that she cared, but on thinking about what she could do that would convince or at least show them.
As I think about this as it relates to our value system, I am not sure you could say that we love God or very many people very much. If we did really love or care about people, we would not have to worry about saying those words all the time. Note I say "all the time," because it is important to say it on occasion. Words are not everything, but they do mean something.
Maybe this is just a personal thing, a personal reflection on how much more I could do to show those in my life that I love them, and I am not just talking about family. I fear that I listen too often to the message, "You would not be welcome in his or her life. You would be interfering in their matters. You would be embarrassing them or yourself or making them feel judged when you bring up spiritual matters."
I remember a while ago, suggesting to my colleagues with whom I shared an occasional meal, that we should redeem the time and share spiritual blessings or talk about things of a spiritual nature - our victories and challenges. But them nobody did, and I didn't do a lot to take them to that reminder.
I guess all of this boils down to the need to spend some serious time considering what my life says about my value system and who I love.
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