Matthew 11:28-30 Then Jesus said, Come unto me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you will be light.
I love these verses and the image it brings to my mind of a yoke, especially when I think about being in a yoke, with Jesus. Guess who is doing all the dirty work, and it isn't me? Can you see yourself in a yoke, with Him? It doesn't matter what the job or burden is; He is the one pulling the weight if we allow Him.
As I read this verse, I am always stunned by both the image and the offer: Take my yoke upon you. He doesn't force Himself on us, nor the yoke which puts all the burden on Him. We get to choose relief or pain. Instead of giving it to Him, we somehow prefer to labor on in our own strength, then whine about how hard it is. I say that because I am speaking of personal experience. It is indeed bizarre how we prefer it that way though I cannot figure out why.
Certainly He is strong enough and wise enough to not only bear our burdens, but to guide us as to how we should handle the portion allotted to us. And He tells us that once we approach Him and give Him, really give our worries and burdens to Him and let Him handle them, we will have rest. Think about what it would feel like to really be free of worry and fear!
Stop right now, look away from the screen and imagine/feel what it would be like to really rest in Him, giving Him all your junk. Astonishing, isn't it? Yet, we appear to be more comfortable living there, shouldering our burdens, rather than living free...because we do it. We fail to give Him our burdens and trust Him with the outcome. We appear to be more at home with worry than with trust.
I am intrigued also with the words, "Let me teach you." Consider all the things that can be learned through challenges: that God honors faith and trust; that He means us to live a life of peace and joy and how to do that; that He is our "very present help," for starters.
If only we were good students consistently. Just consider the quality of life change, if we would just allow Him to steer and to carry the weight of that yoke.
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