Acts 2:1-2 On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus' resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting.
I was reading this passage the other day, and it struck me what was happening. Seven weeks earlier they had lost their leader. They did see Jesus alive, resurrected and He did talk to some of them, but they also watched Him disappear into the heavens. Can you imagine, putting yourself in their place, what you might be thinking, left behind, so to speak?
Luke, the doctor records most closely Christ's last words in Like 24: 46-49. He told them,. "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third say, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name top all nations beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.
Of course, Luke wrote both passages, as a doctor, almost clinically recording exactly what happened. So, those early believers did what they were told. They stayed there, in that place for seven weeks, hoping, praying in unity for each other and that power from on high, Jesus had talked about. Imagine this, He was gone. And every day thereafter, regardless of how much they prayed, how much they had to adjust their lives to remain their, no matter how much they hoped, nothing happened. Day after day, nothing happened, externally.
But I wondered what happened internally, spiritually. They had shared anticipation of the new King of Israel. They watched the King die on a cruel Roman cross. They mourned for three days, doubting, wondering if it had all been a bad dream. Then He arose and jubilation broke out, for three days or a little less because it took a while for the news to get out and for them to accept it as real. Think about that roller coaster of emotion. And finally, they watched Him wave good by as He disappeared once more, His words, "Stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high." echoing in their ears.
For seven weeks they waited. I wondered if some did lose hope and wander off. But there were many who did remain their, struggling together in prayer and in just the work of living together away from their normal circumstances. Did you ever wonder what they did about food or sleeping arrangements?
And then it came - that roaring wind and the Holy Spirit! Think about the reality that they had no New Testament yet. It was only as they shared what they had heard and seen with one another that they had the courage and hope to hang in there.
And here we are: Bible in hand, historical evidence, a heritage of persevering believers, and that Spirit of God dwelling within and empowering us, and personally speaking, personally examining, do we demonstrate any of that same power and courage and witness those believers did over that seven weeks of waiting?
I am not sure our "good times" or "easy life" of material wealth have been all that good for us. I remain struck this morning by the power of God and faith in their lives even before the gift of the Holy Spirit. And our impatience.
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