Psalm 96:2-3 Sing to the Lord; bless his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Last Saturday night, it was all about Dr. Brian Maxwell, a colleague and friend, who was honored at an event celebrating both his fiftieth birthday and his fiftieth play directed at BBC. For nearly two hours, his former students and colleagues shared how Brian had impacted their lives and what they love about him and simply, that they do love him. It was a genuine praise event, honoring him for who he is and how he has related to all of them.
His response, weeping! That all of these people actually came here from all over the country to recognize his impact in their lives. Among the speakers were many who not only learned how to speak publicly and to act and stage and direct plays, but also who caught his passion and vision for teaching, and many who went on even to his alma mater for graduate school.
Now. let's think about our verse, and its echoes in the New Testament: Ephesians 5:19 - 20, Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And in the model prayer, especially in the first verses of Matthew 6:9-10, After this manner therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Now back to Dr. Maxwell - he wept as he heard his students rehearse the impact he had made in their lives. Do you think God is any different? We have emotions because He did first. How do you think He feels as He hears us sing 'to the Lord' or as we praise Him, from our hearts?
Here's an aside: I believe that singing ought to feel like, and parallel, praying; our singing should be an offering of praise to God, so...think about how we make Him feel as we sing out of a genuine heart of thanksgiving.
I know a lot of people struggle when it comes to giving thanks or praising God, but I love what Cheri Fuller says: True praise is grounded in faith in who God is, not just what he does. When we focus on God's character and attributes, we gain an eternal perspective on life, and praise becomes our natural response.
Think about Who God is - Creator, Sustainer, Full of Mercy (not giving us what we deserve - as a result of our sin) and Full of Grace (giving us what we do not deserve), Loving, Kind, Patient, Faithful in face of our infidelity... and we could go on and on. Then think about the joy we can give to Him as we honor Him with our words of praise and thanksgiving - like Brian, I believe God will experience great joy - perhaps even weeping.
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