Friday, October 28, 2011

October 27, 2011 Who's watching me?

Titus 2:3 Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord.

OK, I cannot deny the fact that I am an older woman any more; after all, I do have my AARP card. But I also think that you don't have to fit the AARP age bracket to be an older women ministering effectively to younger women. In fact, I think you can be 25 (or even younger) and be an older woman - at least functioning in the role mentioned here - serving the Lord.

Now, to the heart of this passage - appropriate for someone serving the Lord. What does that look like?

• Appropriate, be in behavior: katastema-demeanour, deportment, bearing

• for someone serving the Lord: hieroprepes - 1. befitting men, places, actions or sacred things to God ; 2) reverent

So what does that look like? I like the definition for hieroprepes, summing it up this way for this application: behavior suitable or right to and part of, the identity of those who are set apart to serve God.

In other words, everything this woman does should point to God or match the expectations of someone bearing His name. In real life, that means for instance, my clothing should not distract from the words that I say - which should always bring glory to God.

That's really the point of it all, bringing glory or attention to God in a way that honors Him. So the humor I use, the way I interact with people, the way I use my time, the television or movies I watch, the video games or the time I spend playing online games should honor Him.

Hebrews 12: 1 -2 a says this:  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith...

It matters what we do and say because it all says something about Him. The witnesses, seen and unseen are affected by our are the feelings of God. Too often we feel like we live in our own private bubble, as though it doesn't or shouldn't matter to anyone else what we do...but there are witnesses, and even if no one else does, God sees it, and He cares.

We can embarrass Him, grieve Him, or honor Him and make Him smile...and that's what I want to do, make Him smile, and probably so do you. So, we have to get over ourselves and first recognize our penchant for sinning and then, cede those rights to Him. The end result will be much greater and deeper joy for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Our focus should always be to bring glory to our Lord. I find myself often saying to others -- are you beinging an arrow pointing TO Christ or AWAY from Christ. We can ask ourselves that every morning as we get dressed, every situation as we bump into people all day... can others see Christ in me?? Thanks for this great reminder. (Kris Schill)
