You would think, as I did, that it would be easy to kiss Jim good by as he set off to work, and then deeply spiritual and virtuous as I am, dig deeply into Scripture - the hours flying by as I studied and meditated and wrote. But truth is, here I am at 9:40 and I have yet to crack a Bible.
I have watched the news, making sure that the day will be sunny and planted eight perennials, which had reclined on a bench in front of my house for at least two weeks. I have tidied up the kitchen (read that rinsed out a saucepan, loaded the dishwasher and rehung two dish towels) I have carried the Sunday papers out to the garbage bins, and I have reloaded the toilet paper holder. Intense and deeply spiritual - and maybe they were. But that is another idea to write about later.
I comfort myself that I don't believe I am all that unusual, and I am grateful for God's patience and mercy. He does know I am coming. And I can't help wondering if my day is not a microcosm of what we all face everyday - the evil one at work distracting us from what is really most important. So, I will say farewell for the moment and head upstairs - to my office which is still technology free and begin with my Andrew Murray devotional journal on prayer. Then I plan to do some reading in the Message-a wonderful version that reads like it was written yesterday....and I am not sure what comes next - after I decide what journal will become my prayer journal for this new stage of my life.
Have a great day!!!
I love this post Mrs. King. I hope you have a great time studying God's word in your technology free office. I am trying to find a great devotional book for this summer. I have Precious One by Kay Arthur but I am going to visit the bookstore and see if anything else catches my eye. Sending love, Becky Leatherman