Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday June 28 Like Dessert, They Are!!

One thing I know grandmas are supposed to do is read to their grandkids, and I have always loved it.  But my two littlest ones live about three hours away, and the opportunities to read to them are few and far between.
Then this last week my son had to have his second hip replacement, and wonder of wonders, we were able to go down…the blessings of online teaching!!  Anyway, it was Tuesday morning, and my daughter-in-law was at the hospital with my son.  I could tell the kids were getting the least bit anxious, so I told them to get some books and I would read to them. 

In seconds, Adrienne was snuggled up next to me on the couch and Tommy was at my feet with a pile of books.  I asked him where he was going to sit, and he looked at me as if I had just asked the most absurd question in the world.  “On your lap,” he replied and backed right onto it.
It was like having the best kind of dessert on the menu, those two little people melding into me, listening and looking at the pictures.  The first few stories were great and familiar Bear family stories, then Tommy handed me the Children’s Bible Stories – sounds wonderful doesn’t it?  BUT THE BOOK WAS IN SPANISH!!!  Fortunately, between my Latin and French studies and teaching English as a Second Language to Spanish speaking migrants years ago, and the reality that I still know my Bible stories pretty well, I was able to fake it satisfactorily.

While part of me was in Philadelphia at Temple Hospital where the docs were repairing my son, this privileged part was there with Tommy and Adrienne, reminding me and refreshing me with the sweet faith and innocence of children.
I had prayed that I would have an opportunity to share God’s love with them, and you could not ask for a clearer and more beautiful way than that.


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