Tuesday, October 22, 2013

True Confessions and I need you!

True confessions; I have been working like mad on my memoir of our time in Africa because I needed to get it finished before my online classes begin. Those classes take several hours a day and I have always found it tough to mix academic and creative writing.  So, I put this blog on the back burner.

Superwoman does not exist, no matter how much we want to believe we can do it all, and more.  I learned this in Chad, and a few more times here in this country.  It's funny how we can succumb to what we perceive as peer pressure, or our own internal desire to please (pride) or real pressure to do what is on our TO DO list.  But, we can end up either not doing anything well, or crashing.  NO is a really good word, and one we should use after carefully consulting with God, so I used it last week, and laid the blog aside.

But now I need your help.  A publisher called yesterday and they are interested in the book.  He is calling again tomorrow and I will have to make some decisions, one of which is braving the process.  It is always risky sending your work out, even if they say they are very interested.  Rejection hurts, no matter how old you are, and no matter how much you say you want God's will.  There is still that fragility that comes.  Anyway, would you please pray for me, that I know and obey God's direction in this process.

Here's a freebie from the book:
Two memorable things from entertaining Africans in that house:  they used the bucket (the one I forgot in the bathroom after cleaning) for a toilet and they must have wondered at why the white people saved that stuff in their house.  And, again, wanting to do my best, I made zucchini bread with raisins, precious raisons from the States for their midafternoon tea.  After their meeting and tea, I cleared up – this was back in the days of cups and saucers.  And like a parade, under the saucers, all the little raisons marched in ring formation.  I asked Daniel, the young man who helped us in the house and who was a student, what this was about.  He told me that they thought the raisons were goat droppings and they couldn’t eat them.  But they did eat right up to the edge of each dropping, let me tell you…because there was no bread left around the raisins.


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