A year ago,
I was putting six books a day into the hall outside my office, with a
two-fold goal: to take fewer boxes home and to pass on books to those who were
at the other end of their professional careers.
Those next few weeks flew by, and suddenly I was home, boxes piled
around me, and no place to go.
You’d think
it would have been fun, sleeping in, books to read, sit in the sun!!! But I was miserable! For over thirty years, everyday, I would wake
up, dress up and head up and out to school, surrounding myself with young
people to teach and mentor. I had been a
teacher, a professor, an administrator, and now what?
several weeks of self-pity, I got excited.
I was to teach two online classes, a monthly counseling class and
writing classes at the library. The fall flew by ,and it was so much fun.
Then spring
came, and no online classes, but an on -campus class along with the other
classes, and it was still fun…less intensive, because online classes are
intensive, but I began to have a sense of being weaned. Last week, we had a
final celebration of my library writing classes, made better because they want
to do it again. But I did look at the calendar and realized, like last year, it
would all be over in a few weeks. Then
A new door
opened; I was invited to teach a couple of workshops at a writers’ conference this summer,
and it came to me, the kindness of God. Last night I woke up, and discovered I
was rehearsing Scripture that I had memorized, and I can still remember whispering this
verse in the darkness, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
God is weaning me from the familiar, and He has been doing it with such kindness this last year…allowing me to continue teaching a little and writing a little. And like the infant who is weaned from the bottle or breast, who discovers the freedom a glass of milk gives, I am discovering the freedom and joy of this new life. Yeah, I know I am a slow learner, that I am just getting it now.
God is weaning me from the familiar, and He has been doing it with such kindness this last year…allowing me to continue teaching a little and writing a little. And like the infant who is weaned from the bottle or breast, who discovers the freedom a glass of milk gives, I am discovering the freedom and joy of this new life. Yeah, I know I am a slow learner, that I am just getting it now.
I am so grateful you were able to continue doing the things you love over the past year. I appreciate the way you continue to teach and share here on your blog.