Friday, February 19, 2010


Discouragement?  Like a virus, it can lurk unseen, then strike bringing a sense of being absolutely overwhelmed.  And allowed to run its course, like any virus, it can take you to your knees in exhaustion.

That's the way I felt the other day when my husband suggested that I take on a specific new ministry project.  Now, this ministry project is right down my alley, but at the moment, I said only, could we not talk about it until Saturday afternoon, after the Bible study I am leading (and physically feeding) is over?  And I said that feeling as though if he pressed it, the only juice he was going to get was my tears.

Everyday this week brought more challenges, and there seemed no end in sight when he asked me that.  But God!  Don't you love the "But God" moments.  But God intervened smoothing out situations, bringing blessings where I didn't expect them, and meeting me every day there between that rock and hard place.

Well, the week is almost over.  I have brunch to shop for and handouts to prepare for tomorrow, an ordinary work day to get through, and about fifteen hours of grading to do between now and Sunday night, but God!  He did it again.  This morning as I was reading, meeting God where I do every day, I came across this cool reminder in Luke 18:1 and I will give it to you from the NASB - Now he was telling them a parable to show that all times they ought to Pray and not lose heart. 

It was the connection between those two thoughts that caught my attention: pray and you will not be discouraged.  This is not the kind of prayer, being talked about here, that we pray thoughtlessly, like the grace we used to say at meal times when I was growing up.  It is not the list of people or situations that we work our way through. 

Instead, I think it has to be that know that your are talking to God thing.  He loves you.  He knows your every thought and deed and still loves you.  His plans are for your good and not evil.  You matter to him, and he pays attention to your voice, when you really talk to him, and that is different than talking at him.

How can we lose heart or be discouraged when we are having a conversation with God, our Father, who loves us unconditionally, who is constantly looking our for us, and who really, really knows what is best for us?

1 comment:

  1. I was sitting here feeling discouraged - it's been a busy week, having followed an even busier and more disheartening week - and I am tired. Past tired. I've been debating certain things in my mind - pros of this, cons of that - getting nowhere - I never do when I only seek my own wisdom and guidance!

    Then, I decided to look through my favorites list - and there you were! With this word from God.

    I need to curl up with the Son, the Word, and my journal and just talk these things that flabbergast and discourage me over with Him. He already has the answer, the strength, the wisdom.

    Why do I turn to Him last?

    Thanks for sharing! As always, you bless my life!
