Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29 It's Not About Numbers

I Samuel 14:6 Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.

Smith says this: Faithfulness and trust in God's power-not numbers-were the keys to Israel's military success. As I reflected on this, I wondered how trusting God would affect the soldiers, and similarly how trusting God influences the way we behave.

When I say I trust God, what does that really mean? Well, first of all it means I take Him at His Word. What He says will take place; I can rely on both His written Word and His love for me. He says He will never leave me nor forsake me, Hebrews 13:5. People frequently talk about a life verse, and I don't have one official verse, but this one is right up there. It give me great comfort to know that I can trust God to never leave me nor forsake or abandon me, the latter being a more permanent separation.

It means that no matter how many are against me, I am not alone. God loves me and filters everything allowed into my life, never allowing a temptation greater than my capacity to resist or endure, I Cor. 10:13. He has promised to make a way through it that it will not overwhelm me...and when it does overwhelm me, He has not failed. I drifted outside of that way.

And when I think about this verse in relation to my family, my students and my friends, I am comforted. Nothing can keep God from saving or protecting them; He does not need my help. Oh, He may use my help, but He doesn't need me to do His work. He may use many influences to do His work; I think of the sowing of seed, the watering of the seed, the weeding and the harvest, all used to accomplish His work, even in human lives. And sometimes He uses one, not many to do it all. The point is, I can trust God to do His work in the lives of others, I just have to be available to Him.

Finally, as I think of this whole concept, I think of the courage it gives those used by God. What a difference it makes knowing we are prepared (taught) and empowered by God the Spirit! We can go into the world, or the workplace, or our front yard confident, knowing God is right there, present with us.

As I minister to and pray for people, I am grateful that God will accomplish His work, and He doesn't need a crowd. He needs me to trust Him and obey His revealed will. And I am so thankful that we have His Word, printed manual or map for life's journey.

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