Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19 Use Your Words

I John 1:3-4 what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Chris and these things we write so that our joy may be made complete.

I continue to work my way through One Conversation at a Time, and the chapter I just completed talked about being intentional in our conversations, always considering what we can talk about today that will "help us in our walk with Christ (43) and sharing vital "information that helps us get to our objective" (45).

John was nearing the end of his life when he wrote the books or letters we call First, Second and Third John. As I reread these books it is interesting that he states a clear purpose for each one, and you can sum that purpose up as driven by his love for the readers. In First John, he says his instruction to them is so that their joy might be complete. In the second, he tells them to walk in love according to his (meaning God's) commandments, so they would not lose the ground they have made in their spiritual walk but receive a full reward. In the third book, he tells them how they have encouraged him by their godly walk and faithful behavior. His further admonition is to bless the brethren, even strangers, who "went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men that we may be fellow workers with the truth."

Here John is, knowing his days remaining are few, but his focus is to use his last words to encourage and edify and bless the believers behind him. He believes that as they carry out his admonitions, they will have a different quality of life, one filled with joy. I wonder if my words would communicate such a clear message: this is how you live a life that will result in joy. Recently one of my classmates died, prematurely - six years fewer than her allotted three score and ten. In the news recently, I have read of many whose life ended long before that even that. We never know which words will be our last, but I do want my last words to accomplish what John's did: to edify for the purpose of encouragement and glorying God.

For those following this blog as part of a movement through the Bible chronologically, it appears I left my book in Virginia over vacation.  But, you are still invited to join me in my pursuit of God.

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