Friday, August 23, 2013

Haunted by a works faith...

Haunted by a works faith, even though I know better.  That has described the inner me for way too long.  Here I am retired and this morning I came to a way too late, or perhaps I came to it again, revelation that God made me just the way I am…and that’s OK.

God made me a woman who loves to create, who loves to write, and cook and bake because I love the creative process – the lining words onto a page or the decorating the table with color and flavor.  But here in my retirement, this very morning, I wrestled with doing something creative just for me, because I want to do it, once more as if it was some sort of sin to just play – in this case art journaling.
And as I read Scripture this morning, as I prayed and meditated, I heard the voice of God – no, not out loud, but His Spirit within me.  “Go for it,” He said.  “I made you that way.  I put those desires into your heart, and you will glorify me in it – even if no one else sees it.”  Kind of like Eric Liddel running…he said it made God smile when he ran.

So I went downstairs to my work table and I hauled out the gesso and the gel medium and the gold and silver sprinkles, and I gussied up the page I started yesterday, and I started another…and I didn’t feel guilty.  In fact, I felt joyful and relieved and unburdened.






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