Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sparkles and Shiny Things

Birds sing above me and water splashes as my feet, and I cannot help but hold my hand up in praise to God; it really doesn’t matter who is looking.  I hold my palm up in submission and appreciation and notice that light sparkles back from the ridges and whorls, reflecting His glory, in creation, I think.  Then the mirrored water draws my gaze – images of heart shaped leaves reaching from its murky depths and reflecting twice:

On the shimmering water, leaves peer at themselves and I see on the back sides of those same leaves, some turned up in homage to God, I think, shimmering images, light reflected from the sky dancing slow waltzes from the water to the smooth green leaves.

Remy, Amy’s yorkie, pushes aside my pages and I see glory shining from his wet nose and then from the grains of quartz on the sandy slate at my feet.  An ant’s crusty shell winks sparkles in the sunlight and I notice then, the diamonds on my ring, the fake gold of my watch shine more glory to God.

Water spilling over the rocks ripple glory to God and sing praises to God as they run into the pool below. And then I notice that even a birdsong shines through the air – I cannot see the sparkles, but all the same, I hear them. 
A little chorus of laud sings patiently to me, if I will look, from tiny cups of dew caught in the curves of grass and broad folds of what some might call a weed, but it has taken on a holy purpose this morning – reflecting the glory of God.

And I wonder if that is, after all, the purpose of all things shiny – to remind us of our Maker, the One Who loves us and made all things beautiful in His time….a verse I remember teaching three and four year-olds many years ago.


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