Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday June 19 Is it too late for me?

One of my big projects, since I have retired, has been the creation of a syllabus for Ministry in Marriage and Motherhood to be taught online. The prof who teaches it on campus uses Nancy Leigh DeMoss’s book – Lies Women Believe, and it is a great book. She is also able to have guest speakers on campus, and that is a bit more of a challenge for the online environment.  So, I have been looking for other texts.

When I teach the class, I do it in four sections – Preparing yourself for ministry, Ministry to your husband, Ministry to your children. and finally Ministry in the context of marriage and motherhood. The DeMoss book integrates well throughout the course, but I wanted texts that would be good learning tools for a wife and a mother.  I am grateful for Amazon and all that they tell you about the books they sell; even with that, it took me a couple of tries to find what I think will be very useful books: Shaunti Feldhan’s book – For Women Only and Elyse Fitzpatrick’s (and Jessica Thompson) book Give Them Grace.
Here’s where the too late comment comes in.  My children have children, and most of them are grown.  I wish I had read this book forty some years ago, when I was raising my own kids.  You know, we do our best, but we are flawed people.  And we repeat too many times, the flawed parenting we received.

I did not understand grace back then, so I did not teach my children the amazing concept of the grace of God. In fact, because I did not really understand nor appreciate it, I fear I lived more in fear of the law than in love with the Giver of Grace. I know now it was my own weakness and flaws, but I looked to the church to teach me about parenting…and back then, the emphasis was on obedience, and not so much on obedience with the right motivation – loving God back because of the grace He has shown us.
So, if you are looking for a shower gift, something besides disposable diapers, or maybe with them, this is a great book.  And kids, once more, forgive me for the mistakes I made as a mom.

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