Friday, July 19, 2013

It's a matter of choice!

I have been thinking about choices in relationship to our thought life and relationship, but this morning was challenged by other choices we make.

We are, I am, so rich we/I get to make many choices – which kind of bread, which kind of meat, which kind of potato or rice or pasta….not whether we will or can eat. 
Maybe a year ago I read Ann Vos Kamp’s book – 1000 Gifts and was challenged to each day record three blessings….the ordinary to us, but blessings nonetheless. I write yesterday’s blessings in my journal each day, and it dawned on me this morning, the blessings we have in choice.

I would imagine most of my stateside readers had a cupboard and refrigerator full of choices to select from already today.  And that is after the choices you made from your dresser and closet full of clothes.  I remember in Africa being admonished to be careful about the laundry I hung out because the Chadians generally seldom had more than one change of clothing – if they had that…and I hung out six or seven pair of underwear per family member and more than that number of dresses or pants and shirts for my family each week – more because it was so hot and kids get so dirty. 
Here’s a side note: a neighbor had a new baby and my seven-year-old and her Chadian friend often carted the infant around.  Because Chadians cannot afford diapers, well you can imagine,  and because diseases are often transmitted through bodily fluids, I told Amy she could only hold baby Dorcas if she would come home immediately and change her clothes if the baby wet on her.  So Amy’s laundry piled up fast.

Anyway, I wonder how often we thank God for the privilege of having so much and so many choices.  Then I wonder whether we should have quite so many choices.  For thirty plus years I worked and stuff piled up because mostly I was too busy to really notice.  This summer one of my chores has been to declutter, and I have been shamed by the choices we get to make when too many have no choices.  They truly live in the moment. Because that is all they have!

So, feeling too rich today, I am going to continue pruning, making choices..and some are difficult.  We do get attached to our stuff. 

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