Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, Living at the End of Life

 No, I’m not being morbid and I am not talking about myself today; that is the name of an amazing book by Karen Whitley Bell.  I have been doing some research to finish up a writing project and had been looking for resources on hospice.  The local library ordered this book for me, and I think it is an amazing handbook…and if you are in ministry or care about people, you probably ought to read it too.
I have always been a big fan of looking up stuff, of trying to be prepared, and as I read this book, I thought of all of my ministry friends. In the last thirty years of working with college kids and their families, we have faced all kinds of challenges, things like overcoming grief, eating disorders, physical and sexual abuse, and the tragedy of broken families.  But honestly, I have not been all that intimately and physically closely involved with the care of a loved one dying.

And I am not sure the church is all that involved with the care-giving required.  The Bible does say that we are to love one another, that we are to care for the fatherless and widows, and minister to the hurting.  This book – Living at the End of Life is phenomenal, as far as a tool or resource useful to help those facing terminal illnesses.  Written by a hospice nurse, the book is written as though she were talking to you and is filled not only with both question/answer sections but illustrated with real life examples of people dealing with end of life issues.  She writes like a good friend.
For one thing, this book takes the fear out of accessing hospice services.  Secondly, it helps caregivers access amazing resources and find appropriate care, both for the patient and the caregiver. Too often, I think, people suffer in silence, when they should at least have our company to help bear their burdens.  And we do not do what we fear or what we do not know about.

So enough of this for today….I think there is more to be said and a very personal application of these thoughts, but that will come tomorrow.


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