Monday, September 30, 2013

So what gets in the way, of loving him?

It is one thing to talk about what it means to love someone, and as important to look at what gets in the way.  If you only are conscious of the do’s, you may really mess up through the don’ts.
First, although it is important to we talk about loving our husbands by doing certain things or showing it in certain ways, it is important first to have the commitment to the relationship – to recognize that you, as a married couple, are now one flesh.  That means you care as much about this other person, this other half of yourself as you do yourself.  You commit yourself to that person’s well-being because you love them. Hurting him would be like hurting yourself, like taking a hammer to your right arm.
Now, if you are one of those people who think that it is absurd to love him as you love yourself because you don’t love yourself, let me ask you, what do you do for yourself?  You feed yourself, and pick out foods you really like, don’t you? You bathe yourself, and choose as nice clothes as your budget will afford; you care for your appearance, and you rest yourself, think a lot about yourself and what you want, and you entertain yourself, don’t you?  It is not bad to love yourself and take care of yourself!! The bottom line is that we do a lot of things for ourselves…and Scripture says we are to love our husbands…in essence, do for them the same as we want them to do for us.  (PS, if you really struggle to love yourself, then you have another problem and really need some help.)
So, let’s talk a little more about what actually gets in the way of your loving him as you love yourself.  First, isn’t there a part of you that does for him, so he will do for you?  We arrive at the altar with a whole lot of expectations.  We, even if we don’t realize it, assume he will have all of the best traits of our fathers.  We assume he will be able to read our minds and know what we want – to have, to do, and to feel…and where we want to go on date night.  That assuming thing is not playing fair!  He is a guy, and I promise you, he cannot read your mind, so you better quit expecting him to.  He desperately wants to please you, but he cannot know how unless you tell him.
Then we need to do a searching inventory of our own motivations; whether we like it or not, and whether it is easy to admit or not, the evil one is busy messing with our minds so he can mess with our marriages.
Let me ask you to look at a few obstacles to good communication, an essential to a good marriage.  Is there a little part of you that wants things your way?  A part of you that wants to be in control?  Is there a part of you that thinks more about how things affect you than how they might affect him?  How much time do you think about what would be good for him or how you can help him achieve his goals – and do you know what they are?  Do you assume he will have all the bad traits of your father and then behave toward him relative to that assumption? The evil one whispers into our ears thoughts about how we need to protect ourselves, how we need to be strong, not vulnerable, that we need to use our feminine wiles to get our way. 
Any of these things sound familiar? I know many of these things described me in the early years of our marriage, and I am subject to these temptations even now, but if we want a godly marriage, we have to have more than a good act.  We have to have a right heart, right with God and right with our mate, be truly one with our mate.
image from

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