Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18 A Snow Day

I didn't know today would be a snow day or I would have brought my Smith and his wisdom home with me, like I do on weekends. But I didn't, and I think it was a God thing.

I just love the word serendipity. Webster defines it this way: the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also: an instance of this. In plain English, it is like finding something you wanted or needed and which you hadn't realized you needed, all just by accident or luck. I call it a work of the Holy Spirit.

I think having a snow day was serendipitous for me, as serendipitous as what I was just doing, grading a story one of my students wrote. The serendipitous part was her theme; she was writing about a character who forgot a major event in her life. Another character was pointing out how far back one would have to go in life to touch all of the people, places and events that had to occur just right to make this event real---like me writing and you reading this. God had to be in it.

All of that to get to my point: God is in snow days! I realize the students have only been back a couple of days, but I needed quiet, time to listen for the voice and leading of God. It always amazes me how easy it is to run on auto-pilot, to build a life and a schedule that sort of runs you – filled with good things. However, even good things may not be the best things, especially when they drown out the voice of God.

I believe today God wants me to take time to shut up, to just be still and listen. He wants me to allow him to bring his word, his voice to my mind. It is a good thing to read his word, to study it and write about it. But sometimes he wants us to be still and know he is God, and listen to what he has to say.

Even on this day off, I have a load of things to do, but maybe they are the wrong things. And maybe there is a different way to do them, and maybe there is something else God does want me to do, if I would just be quiet and listen, so I think I’m going to.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I don't know if you made up the phrase "practicing the presence of God" or if it came from something you read or studied, but this has become part of my life ever since you challenged me with it a few years ago.

    Many times while I am going about my daily routine I just sit and close my eyes (lately it has been when I am nursing) and meditate on scripture I have memorized or just savor in the moment of quietness and thank God for all the blessings He has given me. I think God wants this of His children as much as we love our little ones to climb up on our laps and "snuggle."
