Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1 - Chronological Bible Devotional

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Smith here talks about how we are made  in the image of God - intelligent, morally conscious beings, communicators, spiritual beings beyond mortal flesh....and what he calls the obvious: creators.

I have thought about that one a lot over the years, and I must admit, sometimes with a bit of envy as I watch people create amazing works of art in music, paint, wood, clay, and even with food - beautiful to the eye.

And for many years, though I knew that I loved to write, even felt compelled to write, I sort of settled, avoiding real challenges....yet longing for God to use the me He made - a writer.  Now I recognize that I do not have many years left, now as I head into the last quarter of my life, and I want those years to be meaningful, to glorify God, as a creator painting with words.

And that is the challenge here: How will I use that creative spark in me today, and will it be to the glory of God?

My first chapbook (small book) of poetry will be released before Easter - the title is The Empty Cross.  What next?  I am working on Walkabout - another chapbook, but with a much less overt spiritual emphasis.  I wonder if this is wasted energy.  Then I am reminded just now that I am a believer, child of God, exercising my giftedness, using the talents and interests and experiences God has allowed me.  And my goal is to do that with does it have to have an overt spiritual emphasis? Or does it have to be done with excellence?

Is there value in exercising the act of creation well, not necessarily only using overt "God, Bible" words or messages?  Because doesn't it all belong to Him?  Aand perhaps my personal challenge is to persist, to make time to create with words, to be diligent about taking time to pick up that pallet and use the words to say something meaningful.  And perhaps the challenge is to not give up, to put it out there and allow God to decide who will see them, how He will use them.

It is too easy to allow other easier things to do to fill up the time, to make excuses for why I or anyone might allow the less meaningful or even meaningless to occupy our time.

I do believe God made me a writer.  But I also know that this is a time in my life when I can give more energy to writing.  And I know there are seasons of life and a great variety of different giftednesses - is that even a word?  The point is perhaps to allow God to show us our giftedness, to acknowledge it ( that is not pride) and then to take or seek the opportunities before us to exercise it.


  1. "How will I use that creative spark in me today, and will it be for the glory of God?"

    This was challenging to me because often what I do is for the glory of me or for others. Now, I would not ever say to someone "I'm doing this for the glory of me" but I know in my heart that is what I am doing. Or just as wrong is to do something for the glory of others - as a people pleaser I often want to make others happy, so I go about my day with that as the focus.

    It is also easy for me to say that God made others more creative than me, so I am off the hook. This is not honoring to God as His "created one." My creativity looks different than a beautiful piece of art, talented composition of music or even in writing. Mine comes in the form of encouragement to others through words, helping hands and organization to name a few (thank you, Carol for reminding me to ask God to show me my giftedenss and acknowledge it.)

    So today may I give glory to my Creator Heavenly Father in all I do - remembering that He is the one who allows me to do all that I do in the first place. That reminds me of Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

  2. Thanks Carol...this is exactly what the Lord has been speaking into my heart as well for the past few months. To not just live in this life, but to live with purpose! I think this is the question of most people if they dare to contemplate the journey that it will take to discover it...What is my God purpose! This may mean significant change in life in order to realize that purpose and in order to use His gifts. Maybe that is why so many people just go through life feeling empty - they don't want to go through the metamorphis that is needed to get there!

    I look forward to walking with you through this journey...even it is just through a blog!

  3. I love the purpose behind the creation Laurie mentioned for that is what first struc me - that God created purposefully - and created us to fulfill a purpose in this world. It was with added joy that I recognized that God also created with such forethought to give us pleasure within His creation. Think for a moment of our senses - sight, sound, touch, scent - and then think of how incredibly rich our world is in colors, textures, sounds, and fragrances. God could have made a world monochromatic, odorless, silent, unstimulating as to touch, instead He designed an eye to behold colors, an ear to capture the whisper of a breeze across grass yet attentive and able to discern which of our children cries out; He gave us a world rich in texture and designed a skin to be sensitive to the slightest air current, yet tough enough to withstand incredible stress and weight-and self healing too! He crafted our noses to discern and remember fragrances - for what reason? I'm convinced that part of His joy in crafting those senses within us were so we could most fully appreciate the world, the garden He had prepared for us to inhabit. For our good pleasure. Can't you just picture His delight in making a rose knowing that thousands of years of people would enjoy it's beauty, it's fragrance, it's soft petals? I am so thankful for His provision of senses to enjoy His creation!

    Forgive the typos - sending this from my iPod.

  4. Hi Carol!

    I'm reading through the Bible chronologically this year too so I will try and jump in on your conversations here from time to time. :)

    I recently finished a study on the concept of God's "favor" in Scripture, and I learned that using our "special gifts" to serve others is one way that we can be good stewards of God's favor/ grace to us. 1 Peter 4:10

    It seems that I am constantly trying to evaluate priorities and decide which things in my life need to take precedence, but with a little creativity we can usually find ways to practice our gifts in any stage of life.

    For instance, one way I've found to practice writing while continuing to stay focused on my young daughters has been to write letters for them to read when they are adults. I tell them about special days we have together, about the way their whining made me crazy that day, and about me and what I'm learning as a Mom.

    It's been a great way to remind me to see the humor in challenges like sibling battles and potty training while also helping me keep things in perspective.

    This is not an overtly spiritual use of my gift (well, sometimes it is, I guess...), but it's an example of using gifts in a way that compliments other life priorities. Keeps me growing and learning!

    Thanks for sharing your insights!

  5. Wow, everybody, each of you blessed me, and I'm sure the others. I am encouraged today.
