Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24 Living with Purpose

Exodus 9:16 But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Smith talks about how God told Moses to tell Pharaoh that God had raised him up for a specific purpose: to save the Israelites and to demonstrate God's power. Then Smith poses the question: What might God show me of his power even today, and what unique opportunities will I have to proclaim his mighty name?

This is a powerful question. I wonder if we are sometimes too busy to notice or to full of ourselves to admit when God might be at work and using us. This last weekend I saw something that I thought impossible happen. I believe God was in it. But though God can do amazing things, I wonder if he doesn't then entrust it to us - to give us an opportunity to honor him through it.

This living with purpose is not always easy, and it’s not because of God having problems. It is because of my own weakness. I have wrestled with this posting all day. Like you, I want to be used; I just didn’t want it to hurt so much. I didn’t want to feel this way, to risk being so misunderstood, to have my motives so questioned. But here I am. Now I wait for God to show me what to do, how to live out his purpose in this situation.


  1. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind, Carol and know that I will be praying.

    So many times I am prompted by the Lord during my quiet time with Him to do something, but when "the moment" is over I can easily dismiss it and go on with my life without following through. The toughest "follow-through" involves working through situations that may not be easily received or accepted by the other person.

    Before I enter that situation I pray for fertile soil and that my heart would be right. After that I must leave it in the Lord's hands because I knew what I did was His leading and He will balance the books.

    I'm reminded of Paul and how he was misunderstood by so many and his message was rejected, but he kept on because he knew God was in it. May we say with Paul "I have finished the course, I have kept the faith."

  2. I have always found that when I can do nothing else, I can be true to living out whom God has called me to be. Not who I am in the flesh, but who I am as a child of God. It goes back to the integrity thing...we must strive to please Him and be whom He has created.
